Neel Mehta stood holding a glass beaker in her hand.

Neel Mehta

I am a doctoral research candidate in the School of Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering. My research aims at designing systematic digitalisation strategies for sustainable and optimal design and operation of next-generation pharmaceutical plants.

My primary background is at the chemistry and biology interface as I did my Bachelor’s in Chemistry and Masters in Chemical and Molecular Biology. Coming from a small town in India, I faced many challenges when I first moved to the UK to pursue my postgraduate degree at the University of Glasgow. Especially with the language barrier and financial troubles but, in the end, it was all worth it and I also joined the University of Glasgow as a Teaching Assistant at the School of Life Science after finishing my studies there.

My curiosity to understand the working mechanism of atoms in every living and non-living things on earth has led me to the field of chemistry. The beaker in my hand is the most often used piece of equipment in the chemistry laboratory